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No electricity Eco-Coolers from Bangladesh could beat the heat in India

May 23, 2016 2:17 PM |

No electricity Eco-Coolers from Bangladesh is a brilliant effort

While the youth of the modern world is either busy with startups or busy making money, there are a bunch of young people who have used their brilliant minds to create a device that cools the air at an extremely economical price. And the crème de la crème to be considered is that it can run without electricity.

With the global rise in temperatures wreaking havoc in major parts of the world Bangladesh ‘Eco-Coolers’ might just be the answer the world is looking for.

Grey, a New York based advertising agency’s Dhaka office along with Grameen Intel Social Business Limited, a Bangladesh based IT company has innovated this product.

And the best part is it is easier to make too. The building process involves creating grids made from repurposed plastic bottles cut in half. These bottles are used to fit in the window as per size.

The direction of the winds and the pressure created by airflow aids the Eco-Cooler to decrease the temperature in a room. Initial results have shown that a drop of up to five degrees Celsius.

The hot air enters the open end of the bottle and gets compressed at the neck of the bottle making the air cooler before it enters the room.

“After initial tests, blueprints of the Eco-Cooler were put up online for everyone to download for free. Raw materials are easily available, therefore making Eco-Coolers a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution,” said Syed Gousul Alam Shaon, managing partner and chief creative officer at Grey Dhaka.

This Eco-Cooler are perfect for a country like India as the technology used is bare minimum and with the abundance of used plastic water bottles in India, these coolers could be god-send for us given the temperatures crossing 50°C.

The video explains how this has been in practice in a small town in Bangladesh and has transformed the lives of many.

Originally Published in Yourstory

Image Credit: Yourstory



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