Must watch: NASA looks back at Storms of 2015

January 6, 2016 2:24 PM|

The year 2015 was replete with tropical storms, typhoons, hurricanes, snowstorms and floods. NASA has compiled all the storms captured and analyzed by the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission from around the globe.

The list of storms consists of 41 storms, beginning with the New England Nor’easter on January 26 which affected New England in USA. It was followed by the snowstorm of February 17, which battered Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina, once again in USA.

The list includesTyphoon Maysak(March 30),Hurricane Blanca(June 1),Tropical Storm Ashobaa(June 8),Tropical Storm Carlos(June 12), Typhoon Nangka (July 15)Typhoon Halola(July 21)Typhoon Dujuan(September 22)Hurricane Patricia(October 22),Tropical Cyclone Chapala(October 28 through November 3) and Hurricane Sandra (November 26) among others.

The list also mentions thefloods which ravaged Chennai and Tamil Naduin India.

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