More smog, rains expected for most of the Asia; relief from drought expected

October 13, 2016 3:19 PM|

smog post

Winters are going to be more smoggy and chilly for most of the Asia this year as compared to last years. However, wetting rains will further affluence the drought in southeastern areas.

The weather of Asian countries are largely affected by the weak La Niña conditions along with unusually warm waters over the eastern part of the Indian Ocean.

Moreover, restricted rains and snow from around the Caspian Sea to the Himalayas and southern Japan this winter is also foreseen. However, close to average snowfall is likely for Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo this winter is expected.

But, there may still be a noteworthy storm or two from eastern China to South Korea and southern Japan, especially during the middle of the winter. Some rains will possibly also drench the southern India but not as extreme as last winter.

As per the forecasters, Beijing may witness light snowfall ranging from 2.5 cm to 7.5 cm, on the other hand, snowfall foreseen for Seoul could reach 10-15 cm. 7.5-15 cm of snow could possibly be witnessed in Tokyo. Light dust storms are also expected in Shanghai.

A feeble storm will offer slight winds to stimulate the atmosphere from Pakistan to central and northern India.

Though smog is pretty common over these areas but this year is going to be a worse winter season as compared to last. However, areas on the utmost west may be spared from this chilly winters.

Moreover, as per the forecasters, Northeast Monsoon which is annual winter phenomenon is also likely to lead parts of Southeast Asia. Few light showers along with mountains snow are also likely to spread from northern Saudi Arabia to Iraq, eastern Turkey and central and northern Iran.

This year, due to the La Niña and the warm waters of the eastern Indian Ocean, heavy rainfall is likely farther to the east including Asian countries like Malaysia, Philippines and New Guinea. Though these rains will comfort the drought conditions which has been prevalent in the Southeast Asia region over the past few years.

Temperatures are also likely to scale up and an above average temperatures are expected to triumph from central China to the Arabian Peninsula and the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Mild weather conditions are expected over central Russia and northeastern China.

However, chilly weather will still persists in far eastern Russia and central Siberia. Some episodes of above average colder weather is likely over northeastern China and eastern Mongolia during later parts of winters.

Western Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan and Western Mongolia may also witness some above average cold along with few storms that may cause snow over these areas as well.

Moreover, forecasters also claims that the multiple typhoons that stroked from Taiwan and China to South Korea and Japan will turn away towards the ocean or suppressed to the south. This is basically due to the westerly winds that are going to be increased in these areas.

However, the greatest chance of tropical storm or typhoon striking any land area is in the Philippines this winter. Tropical cyclones may impact areas around the Bay of Bengal as well. The greatest risk of a strike from an Indian Ocean cyclone is in, but not limited to, southern India.

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