Matthew kills 18 in the US, North Carolina gets flooded

October 10, 2016 9:23 AM|

Matthew kills 18 in the US, North Carolina gets floodedHurricane Matthew has killed at least 900 people in Haiti. This wasn’t the end of it, Matthew had more in store as it moved towards Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas wreaking havoc over these areas as well. In fact, as per reports, at least 18 people have also been killed in the United States due to storm Matthew.

Now, Matthew is no longer a hurricane and has weakened into a post tropical cyclone. However, this doesn’t mean it is not dangerous anymore. Matthew is heading out to the sea and there is still some problem in store for parts of the southeastern United States.

North Carolina is still bearing the brunt of one of the strongest hurricanes to have hit the United States in the past few years. Rivers have been breaking their banks which are likely to cause more trouble for these areas.

At least half a million people observed power outage on Saturday night. A thousand have been rescued in North Carolina with another three thousand still living in shelter homes. Several areas in the state have been flooded and more rains will wreak havoc over other areas.

The storm may have weakened but it still has wind gusts up to 120 kmph which is equivalent to that of a Cat 1 hurricane. During the next few hours, North Carolina is expected to witness heavy rains along with gusty winds which will result in flooding over many areas of the state.

However, during the next 48 hours, Matthew is expected to dissipate in the sea, which means it will no longer take a turn and come back into the sea as was previously predicted.

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