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Drought like condition threatens U.K

August 16, 2016 3:04 PM |

uk heatwave post

At present, parts of Britain are witnessing an ‘absolute drought’ condition. Rains are descending at a great pace.

Since August 2, Britain has experienced 14 percent lower rainfall than its average. Most of the region of southern England and Wales has recorded less or close to nil rainfall. As per the Met Department, rains have remained absent from Britain from a long time now with very few spells. In fact, showers are not expected to lash U.K until Wednesday night.

Most of the places in the U.K witnessed some good showers during the first week of August but thereafter, the rain intensity decreased and not much rains were observed.

The average rainfall for U.K for the month of August is 70 mm and the nation seems to be lagging far behind its monthly average. The Met department also has foreseen mini heatwave to lash parts of U.K. Soaring temperatures in the highs of 28°C are also likely to prevail in the south-west on Tuesday.

Other regions are also likely to witness temperatures in the mid 20’s. The Met department also claims that this would unlikely be the hottest day in the history of past three years.

Moreover, weather is expected to remain sunny and dry until the weekend. It could possibly break the record of being the hottest day of the month if it reaches above 27.9°C. Moreover, the day would still be above average for the year.

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