Drenching rains, flooding likely in US; travel delay expected

May 4, 2017 11:49 AM|

us floods post

Thursday and Friday are expected to experience torrential rains that may cause travel problems in the northeastern United States. A rainstorm may bring in soaking rains on May 4 until May 5.

The same storm has already submerged roads causing flooding in the central Plains and middle Mississippi Valley, now expected to roll northeastwards.

Both the months of March and April have brought sufficient rains in the form of storms in the region thereby eradicating the short-term drought that was prevailing over the region. Though the area is still reeling under some rainfall deficit but these storms are likely to corrode the deficit. Moreover, it can also lead to some short-term flooding issues.

As per the weathermen, 1-2 inches of rains are expected in regions like western Virginia, parts of New England, and also including eastern Great Lakes. Comparatively lesser rains are possible at southeastern Ohio, central New York, and northern New England.

Swelling up of smaller streams is also a possibility. Though it is not likely to raise alarm for flooding but fishing and other recreational activities may be a problem. These rains are likely to create poor visibility as well.

Moreover, soaking rains along with a low cloud and strong winds can even cause air travel disruptions. Some of the major hubs Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, New York City, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Detroit may expect air flight delays.

The worst weather conditions are likely during the rush hour in the morning along the Interstate 95 corridor Friday that is from Richmond, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., to Baltimore and Philadelphia.

Friday morning, rains can be heavy in the New York City, moving from southwest to northeast. Traffic can be slow and soggy in Boston during the late evening.

Minor flooding is also likely in the coastal areas. During the high tide, flooding on the Atlantic coast will be greatest. However, coastal flooding problems will be of a short duration as the storm will move swiftly along. However, bone-chilling air can be expected in the Northeast by the weekend with the possibility of some snow as well.

Image Credit: NBC news

Any information taken from here should be credited to skymetweather.com


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