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Bone chilling winters cause death and chaos across Europe

January 9, 2017 1:32 PM |

Icy Cold Weather in Europe

Europe is shivering under the realm of freezing temperatures. Heavy snowfall from Poland to Turkey has caused several deaths. The icy weather conditions have caused major disruptions to power, water supplies and transport networks.

Poland, Greece, Italy and Turkey were among the countries battling with heavy snowfall and icy temperatures on Saturday.

As per reports, at least 10 people have died in Poland in last few days. This is due to a harsh cold snap that made temperatures drop to -14°C in some areas. Polish authorities anticipate the death toll to rise as the weather conditions are expected to remain unsettled for rest of the week.

Meanwhile, at least four people have died in Ukraine near the Polish border due to icy cold weather. One man died after his truck slid off an icy highway in Belgium.

Russia celebrated its coldest Orthodox Christmas in 120 years as temperatures in Moscow dipped to -30°C overnight and -24°C in Saint Petersburg.

Germany witnessed the aftereffects of Storm Axel which had hit northern parts of the country earlier in the week leading to -30°C temperature in most parts.

In past few days, Southern Europe has also observed episodes of unexpected cold weather. Roads and train services in Central Italy have been disrupted due to wind and snow.

Heavy fog in Istanbul has led to close off of the Bosphorus to all naval traffic. Not just this, also the city’s air traffic was severely affected by poor weather conditions.

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