Beijing Weather: First time ever a ‘red alert’ for air pollution

December 9, 2015 12:22 PM|

Beijing air pollutionFor the first time ever, a red alert has been sounded for air quality inBeijing by the city authorities due to severe smog this week. This alert has been in effect from Tuesday morning and will last till Thursday.

This smog has been attributed to a high-pressure area which is present over the region. This high-pressure area has resulted in calm winds which have led to build-up of pollutants and no influx of fresh air.

The Beijing city authorities have ordered to stop all construction work and schools to remain closed until the smog clears. All heavy vehicles and construction vehicles have been prohibited from plying on roads. This smog is likely to affect around 22.5 million people living in the city. Beijing was on orange alert over the weekend and was upgraded to red alert for this week.

People having respiratory issues have been advised to refrain from going outside. Car usage during the alert is also restricted and those who need to travel have been told to use public transport.

The alert will most likely be lifted on Thursday as winds will pick up, displacing the smog out of the city. The winds are a result of a cold front which will bring fresh air from the north and help clear out the smog. This is a temporary relief as Friday onwards the high pressure will build back and this will result in calm winds, leading to smog build up.

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