Seven things to know about the new planets discovered by NASA

February 23, 2017 2:46 PM|

Seven things to know about the new planets discovered by NASAThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration has made an announcement that could be the greatest known discovery by the human kind. The space agency announced that it has discovered a new system of seven Exoplanets around 40 light years away which are roughly the size of our Earth. These planets are in a ‘habitable zone’ which can have water – which is a basic necessity of life, and are rocky in nature.

The system is named after the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope in Chile, hence the name TRAPPIST-1. In 2016, only 2 probable life supporting planets were found. But the recent findings have stated that 7 planets have been found are rocky in nature and ones in the habitable zone may support life.

Check the seven things you should know about the new found potential home.

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