NASA released thousands of HD pictures of Mars and it`s beautiful

August 11, 2016 7:53 PM|

We just got a little bit more close toMarsand all thanks to a decade old orbiter. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has been orbiting the Red Planet since 2005 and has been sending data toNASAsince then.

The orbiter was initially sent to check whetherMarshas any water or not.

The original objective of the orbiter might be in the back but the space craft has been sending some amazing high resolution pictures of the Red Planet. In this month only the orbiter has sent back a over 1,000 pictures of Mars.

In order to view all the photos you have visit High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment’s website. They have a massive storage of all the images that the orbiter has captured and the number of all these photos is a staggering 44,000 and over.

Here are some highlights but they’re all pretty spectacular:

Nasa Mars 1Nasa Mars 2Nasa Mars 3Nasa Mars 4Nasa Mars 5

All the images has been sourced from NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Originally Published inGizmodo




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