Thanks to internet & information technology people across the world are better connected & their actions in one continent may affect people in some other continent, so seems to be the case for weather too. Recent studies have shown that during our cold-weather season, pollution in China & other Asian countries are affecting weather patterns in the USA and some parts of the Northern Hemisphere. During the wintertime, man-made pollution such as coal burning in many Asian cities can create smog that persists for weeks Habrin in China & New Delhi in India are two prime examples. If winds are favorable, pollutants can be transported downwind across the North Pacific, where winter storms originate & intensify.
It means that these particles ride on the jet stream & once these pollutants reach upper atmosphere where Jetstream is prominent in Asia, they can follow the jet stream, which meanders its way from west to east covering entire Northern Hemisphere. Then these particles can act as a ‘condensation nuclei’, to help in cloud formation and growth As a consequence the prevalent storms will intensify. For the last thirty years, Typhoons in NW Pacific have gained some strength and clouds have grown taller that means more precipitation. Also during this time, China, India and some other Asian countries experienced an economic surge which might have prompted more vehicles & more emissions. It looks like these two things are connected. Earlier, people talked about the North-South contrast like Northern Hemisphere has more land & the Southern Hemisphere has more ocean.That difference is important to global atmospheric circulation. Now, in addition to this, there’s a West-East contrast. Europe and North America are trying to reduce emissions whereas Asia is increasing them. This change also affects the global circulation and disturbs the climatic pattern.