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La Nina Conditions May Weaken In The Next Quarter

The current La Niña event is not without its controversies. The timings are rather unusual for the start of the event. Keeping in mind the variability of the Nino Indices, more so, the marker index Nino 3.4, the sustenance of the event is at stake.

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Nino Indices Tumble Yet Again: SOI Drops Too

Although La Niña is officially here, its intensity is waning. The atmosphere isn't exactly in sync with the cooling sea surface temperatures, which raises questions about how sustainable it is. Global weather patterns are still tense due to an active MJO and a variable IOD.

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दक्षिण भारत में तेजी से बढ़ रही गर्मी, समय से पहले प्री-मानसून के संकेत

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सूरज ने दिखाया तेवर! दिल्ली में साल का सबसे गर्म दिन दर्ज, जानें आगे कैसा रहेगा मौसम

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