Go Green Careers

April 3, 2013 5:50 PM|

Looking for a different career and not a mundane 9 to 5 corporate office job? Here’s a hint, Go green! Well there are careers that are green and save the environment. Surprisingly, with a number of options out there, environmental career fields have been rapidly expanding. And guess what! green jobs can be the coolest for being the highest paying jobs ever! Here’s a list of some unique jobs you could opt for:

Sustainability Consulting

You know everything about the environment and you always wanted to be a consultant. Here’s a dream job for you. Sustainability consulting involves telling others how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Work can range from helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint to creating sustainability projects. A lot of research on environmental practices, law and business options can be expected in this field. You may find yourself turning a corporate giant into a beacon of sustainability.

Renewable Energy

The renewable energy career field is one of the fastest growing in the world. You have solar power, wind power, geothermal, hydro power, and more. You need people to design, build and manufacture solar heaters, wind generators, and other such products. Apart from homes and buildings, you’ll find renewable energy being used on vehicles, as well as chargers for electronic devices. The best part is, since the field involves energy that is renewable, jobs and energy resources are highly unlikely to run short anytime soon. Given those factors in a world with depleting resources and rundown economies, it should be clear why renewable energy jobs will be ever green!


Become a ‘Green Architect’ and earn truck loads!! Here’s why.. Lately, it’s been embedded into peoples’ heads that a green home is a smart home. Everyone around you will tell you what home improvements to make in order to make your house more sustainable, energy efficient, or simply a good tax write-off. Therefore businesses are rapidly jumping on the green construction bandwagon by adding solar panels for houses and companies. You could do an eco-friendly interior decoration for an NGO or even design the next hydro-powered car

Organic Products/Farming

The world and everything in it seems to be going green. Organic products are cropping up more often throughout local stores and big retail chains. If you have an interest in farming, gardening and the like, you can grow your own organic crops and plants and sell them. If you want to push your creative business side, you can create and sell your own organic products, or perhaps work through wholesale or as an affiliate of an already existing organic company. From vegetables to beauty products, the possibilities for this field are really endless.

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