Australia and Brazil swelter in heat, US shivers in cold

January 11, 2014 9:35 PM | Skymet Weather Team

The Northern Hemisphere is reeling under mind-boggling cold conditions while, countries on the opposite end of the Earth crave for some relief from extremely hot weather. Brazil, Argentina, Australia are all sweltering under heat waves.

Weather in Brazil

A lack of cloud cover in the southeastern parts of Brazil has exposed the area to the scorching sun and raised temperatures to more than 48°C. So much so that the zoo authorities in the capital city of Rio de Janeiro are keeping the animals cool with iced fruits and frozen yoghurts. The weather is expected to remain so for another week.

Brazil could reach harmful levels of UV radiation index very soon, according to the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (Cptec) and National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Going by local media records, every year the country reports around 120,000 new cases of skin cancer.

The heat wave had reached Argentina as well in the month of December. Here hundreds of dead fish, especially catfish and shad, were seen floating in a lake of Buenos Aires recently. However, the situation has improved much in this country.

Weather in Australia

Similar is the situation in Australia which experienced the hottest year ever in 2013. Here more than 100,000 bats have already died and kangaroos are also collapsing due to extreme heat. The mercury has risen to 44°C. The heat wave is spreading across the country with western Australia being the worst affected region. Only coastal districts of the southeastern states may get some relief.

The heat wave is said to have no relation with the polar vortex affecting the United States and other northern countries.

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