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Tips to remain healthy during the monsoon

June 27, 2012 7:16 PM |

New Delhi, Wednesday, June 27 Monsoon is around the corner. While monsoon is always greeted with cheers, this is a period when people fall sick the most. Onset of this rain spell comes with many diseases such as malaria, jaundice, typhoid, cholera, cold and cough as rain water clogs our cities and towns and there is a spread of insects and viruses that serve as carriers to these diseases. But a little care can help you avoid many ailments that grip you during the monsoon. Here are a few tips that can save you from these seasonal diseases.


Diseases such a malaria and dengue are caused by mosquitoes that find breeding grounds in puddles of rain water. So a good idea would be not to allow water to stand anywhere be it your street, terrace or bodies that store water like open tanks or coolers. Also, put a mosquito net around the bed and use mosquito repellant creams.

Digestion is weakened due to dehydration in summer so maintaining light diets with plenty of vegetables and fruits would be suitable. Ginger and green grams are also beneficial in daily diet.

Most diseases striking during monsoon like jaundice, typhoid or cholera are water borne. So, the water you drink should be boiled at least once and filtered properly to clean away any germs killed. In the same zest, every meal should be eaten warm. Cold food usually attracts germs and other infestations during moist monsoon months and heating it would kill the germs.


A few more do's and don'ts to be followed:


  • Always keep the surrounding dry and clean
  • Keep your body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down
  • Keep your feet dry and dry out whenever they get wet
  • Wash vegetables with clean water and steam them well to kill germs
  • Drink plenty of water and keep your body well hydrated



  • Physical over exertion or heavy exercising
  • Over exposure to sun
  • Allow water to get accumulated around
  • Enter air conditioned room with wet hair and damp cloths
  • Eat uncooked food and salads
  • Allow kids to play in stagnant polluted water filled puddles



Hope you would carry out these set of instructions have a healthy and fun filled monsoon.

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