Plant a tree this monsoon

July 20, 2012 7:02 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Delhi, Friday, 20 July, Monsoon is the season of sowing in India because freshly showered farms make it easier to sow crops that feed us throughout the year. But, do people in urban areas grow anything to make the season of rain fruitful other than to enjoy it? Do they ever think to better the surroundings that contain polluted air that they breathe throughout the year? So, what should we be doing during the monsoon season? We should plant a tree or grass or ivy.

This becomes imperative because air in urban streets are so polluted that we sometimes find it hard to breathe. A recent study concluded that tree, grass or climbing ivy can reduce the concentration of Nitrogen oxide on our street as much as by 40 percent more than what believed previously. In simple terms, trees clean the air five times better than what we thought or concluded earlier.

Monsoon provides us the best opportunity to plant a tree because during this period, we need not put extra effort while digging the soil as it remains soft due to rain. Also, we do not need to water the tree frequently as rain water feeds them properly at least for a few months.

So planting tree, grass or ivy during monsoon can better the air we breath and that is not for a year or two, but for entire life and even for the next generation too.