New Delhi, Tuesday, September 11, Devala, a town near Gudalur, in the Nilgiris, has created a record of sorts as it registered 356 mm of rainfall on a single day from the morning of September 9 to the morning of September 10. This is the highest rainfall recorded in a day in Devala starting from Sunday 8.30 am to Monday 8.30 am. There is no recent record of such heavy rainfall in Devala, this rain-gifted area is learn to have recorded 287 mm of rain in a single day on July 15, 1924.
Prior to this, the last twenty four hours ending on Saturday 8.30 am., Devala recorded 130 mm of rainfall, Avalanchi, a catchment area received 41 mm, Naduvattam - 34, Gudalur – 32. Upper Bhavani - 22, Ketti -12 mm and Coonoor-9 mm.
The picturesque town is known to receive a little over 3000 mm of rainfall a year. The town surrounded by beautiful woods, tea gardens, hills, valleys and streams, is known for receiving heavy rainfall in the Nilgiris, especially during the southwest monsoon. It is also popularly called 'second Cherrapunji' or Cherrapunji of south India.
Though, the precipitation was far below normal for this part of the year, it was received with folded hands by the people in general and the farmers in particular. Farmers in Avalanchi, Emerald and their surroundings said that for the past few days they had received good rains.