Death Valley in US is the all-time world's hottest place

September 14, 2012 5:12 PM | Skymet Weather Team

New Delhi, Friday, September 14, Death valley in the desert of California has acquired the all -time world's hottest place tag by pushing erstwhile warmest place El Azizia in Libya. The death valley of California was being considered as the second hottest places in the world till now but new analysis of the past weather date found that the record of 136 degrees at a remote desert spot in Libya is incorrect. The right candidate to be called as all time warmest place is death valley in Greenland Rance in California as it recorded, the beastly 134-degree reading on July 10, 1913. The record supposedly set by El Azizia 90 years ago has been found invalid due to following five reasons:


  •  Use of antiquated instrumentation
  •  A likely inexperienced observer
  •  An observation site that was not representative of the desert surroundings
  • Poor matching of the temperature to nearby locations
  • Poor matching to temperatures recorded in that location after the record was established

While the new warmest place is located about 200 miles northeast of Los Angeles and 100 miles west of Las Vegas averages only about 2 inches or rain each year. During the period from 1931-34 it received just over a half inch of rain in total.