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Cover up to look more attractive in winters!!

December 6, 2012 3:59 PM |

As seasons change, so do our habits, our lifestyle and our likes and dislikes. But that’s not all, there’s one more thing that changes seasonally i.e. men’s attraction to a woman’s body. It might sound unbelievable but to many the dry winter months of icy winds and biting temperatures, blamed for a dull and lazy skin and lethargic days is the time when men find women most attractive. The fresh months of spring when, hot pants and noodle straps are a rage and red, yellows and pink become the wardrobe essentials; men are seen rather disinterested in the abundant skin show.

Well, according to a research done in Poland, men were asked to rate photographs of women in every season. The results showed men rated the opposite sex much more in the winter months than in the hot months of summer. Though there has been no clear explanation for the variation, but researchers say this is because of the ‘rarity factor’. Fewer female bodies are on display in the winter. Entirely covered bodies with blazers, mufflers and overcoats make men want to see more skin. Men thus find women sexier thinking of what lies beneath those many layers of thick winter woolens. While in the summer they become more critical and selective of what qualifies as attractive and what makes their libido active.

This ‘contrast effect’ thus shows that scarcity vs surplus is the reason for the results of this study. It also explains why men in cultures where women cover most of their bodies find a glimpse of an ankle or wrist erotic. The researchers found the same pattern of results in men of all ages and in those living in both urban and rural areas.

Now all you women have nothing to worry about. No more getting stressed over dry chapped lips, red running noses and festive weight gain! Winters are here and all you have to do is cover up to woo your man!

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