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Attack dehydration to remain fit during hot and humid season

July 19, 2012 7:43 PM |

New Delhi, Thursday, July 19 Dehydration is the main cause behind most of the sicknesses that grips human body during summer and monsoon season. Such sicknesses happens due to the lack of fluid or water in our body as we lose them in hot and humid conditions. So, it becomes imperative to attack the root cause of such sicknesses and that is Dehydration. But, before that we have to identify what sorts of dehydration is taking place in our body. Is it mild, moderate or severe?

To identify them, we have to watch out for following symptoms of dehydration:

Dehydration is the main cause behind most of the sicknesses that grips human body during summer and monsoon season. Such sicknesses happens due to the lack of fluid or water in our body as we lose them in hot and humid conditions. So, it becomes imperative to attack the root cause of such sicknesses and that is Dehydration. But, before that we have to identify what sorts of dehydration is taking place in our body. Is it mild, moderate or severe?

To identify them, we have to watch out for following symptoms of dehydration:

  • Dry mouth: if our mouth is becoming dry or sticky
  • Low Blood Pressureheadaches and dizziness: this can happen due to lower level of water in our blood.
  • Muscle fatigue: Cramps
  • Dry and cool skin: our skin becomes first casualty of dehydration as it dried up to fill the gap created by lost fluid.
  • Thirst
  • Feeling lethargic and irritable
  • Lack of Urine: If the urine stops for more than 12 hours or there’s only a very small amount of dark yellow urine

If these symptoms are occurring in your body and you keep neglecting them you can be seriously sick

So, how to avoid such situation? Here are few tips:

  • Drink plenty of fluids every day: 1.5 liters per day is a good rule of thumb, for every hour of strenuous activity or exercise drink one additional liter of water
  • Drink sports drink: sports carry electrolytes and sodium which are essential to replace after intense workouts or activities
  • Eat food rich in salt: low water in body leads to low salt so along with fluid also take salt foods

Dry mouth: if our mouth is becoming dry or sticky

Low Blood Pressureheadaches and dizziness: this can happen due to lower level of water in our blood.

Muscle fatigue: Cramps

Dry and cool skin: our skin becomes first casualty of dehydration as it dried up to fill the gap created by lost fluid.


Feeling lethargic and irritable

  • Lack of Urine: If the urine stops for more than 12 hours or there’s only a very small amount of dark yellow urine

If these symptoms are occurring in your body and you keep neglecting them you can be seriously sick

So, how to avoid such situation? Here are few tips:

  • Drink plenty of fluids every day: 1.5 liters per day is a good rule of thumb, for every hour of strenuous activity or exercise drink one additional liter of water
  • Drink sports drink: sports carry electrolytes and sodium which are essential to replace after intense workouts or activities
  • Eat food rich in salt: low water in body leads to low salt so along with fluid also take salt foods


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