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Gulf rains extend to karachi

December 18, 2017 3:57 PM |

karachi main

The Arab states of the Persian Gulf, namely, Bahrain, Kuwait,Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, usually do not experience rains in the winter season. The region has pleasant weather conditions, contrary to the unfurled chill present over the western countries, during the winter time. Rains are quite far and few and typically infrequent.

The reason for meager or sporadic rainfall in the above mentioned region is that, only very few weather systems travel that far south, for it to affect the Persian Gulf and to result in rainfall activity. The weather system such as the induced cyclonic circulations, which, when it moves towards the Persian Gulf, results in precipitation.



In the last 48 hours, however, rainfall activity is observed in the area. Hence, Weather activity in terms of thunder shower is witnessed. But now this system has moved eastward and is affecting the Sindh region as well as Parts of Karachi.

For the last one month Karachi didn't experience any rains. Currently, the region is witnessing the first winter shower of the season. North Karachi is estimated to have 10mm of rainfall and for Karachi Airport the number recorded is 7mm.

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Nevertheless, the city of Karachi doesn't experience any severe cold, despite of these occasional sprinkling. The two major reasons for Karachi to be so aversive to cold are as follows;
The first reason is the fact that Karachi is a coastal region and the second is that it is located close to the tropic of cancer. Locations falling under tropic of cancer are known for experiencing 2 disparate seasons; an extremely hot summer and warm winter.

The city at this moment witnesses cloudy sky. The same weather conditions are expected for the next 24 hours. However, the weathermen at Skymet weather predict the rains to be moderate and nothing severe is in store for the region.

Hence, after a very long time, the people of the city tasted respite following a lengthy and prolonged dry season.

Image Credit: pakwired
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