Hail in Punjab may damage potato crop

January 24, 2017 4:40 PM|

Potato mainA couple of fresh Western Disturbances are slated to mark their presence over hills of North India leading to snowfall in next few days. This snowfall activity will influence the weather of plains of North India where Punjab, Delhi and parts of Haryana are likely to witness rain.

According to Skymetweather, Punjab and North Rajasthan may witness isolated hailstorm as well. Light winter rain is ideally suitable for the production of potato crop at this stage, however, hailstorm may prove disastrous. Punjab potato growers are on a lookout as hailstorm and isolated rain possible in next few days may pose severe threat to the crop.

As most of the potato crop is sown either in the month of November or in early December, the growth stage of the potato crop is crucial at this time. Depending on the amount of hail and growth stage of the crop, there could be massive damage to the crop which may incur stem injury loss.

Mid-season hails also reduce yield by inducing late sets resulting in smaller tubers. Moreover, if sky remains cloudy after rains and hails then it may induce the infestation of blight disease.

Hail crop damage can severely decimate the harvest. Also, hail later in the season reduces harvests by knocking fruit off plants.

Image Credit: wikihow.com


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