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Cool winds resume in north as WD weakens; easterlies to prevail along the east coast

November 26, 2012 6:05 PM |

New Delhi, The Western Disturbance over Jammu & Kashmir and adjacent areas has weakened that allowed cool and dry winds from central Asia to infiltrate the Indo-Gangetic plains where temperatures are expected to fall by another 2-3 degrees during the next 24 to 48 hours.

The chill is expected to prevail till another Western Disturbance (moist and relatively warm winds originating in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean) make an entry around November 28. The winds associated with the weather system generally bring moisture and clouds into the region and prevent severe cold winds from the Himalayas from affecting the plains up to some extent. So, any respite from cool winds or increase in the minimum temperatures can only be expected from Wednesday, November 28 onwards.

Snowfall or rain is likely to continue at one or two places over Jammu & Kashmir till then. It would pick-up again by November 28 onwards. Snowfall/rain at a few places over Himachal Pradesh and at one or two places over Uttarakhand is expected around that time.

However, remnants of the erstwhile Western Disturbance, which was moving eastwards after making an exit from east Jammu & Kashmir are affecting upper parts of northeastern states in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Rain is expected at one or two places in these states during the next 24 hours.

Towards south, a weather system (cyclonic circulation) is persisting over the southern tip of the country near Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is expected to give light rain in these places during the next 24 hours.

Meanwhile, another low pressure area is about to form over the Andaman Sea that will receive light to moderate rain during the next 24 hours. The weather system is expected to move in a northerly direction towards Myanmar. Due to no consequential weather system, easterlies are expected to resume and continue along the east coast during the next 24 to 48 hours.

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