Cyclone Roanu spares Tamil Nadu from its spate of fury

May 19, 2016 4:30 PM|

chennai floodsThe Cyclonic Storm Roanu has been moving north­northeastwards at a speed of about 15 kmph. At present, it is about 80 km south­southeast of Machilipatinam, 290 km south­southwest of Visakhapatnam and 160 km south­southwest ofKakinadainAndhra Pradesh. It will continue to move in a north­northeastward direction along and off the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh during next 12 hours.

There are chances that the cyclonic storm will intensify into a severe cyclonic storm by Thursday night. It is likely to make landfall over south Bangladesh coast between Khepupara and Cox's Bazar between May 21 and 22 as a cyclonic storm. Therefore, the system has moved away fromTamil Naduand become a little stronger.

As and when a weather system intensifies into a cyclonic storm, it leaves behind a band of clouds. This trailing cloud band can sometimes run up to 100 kms. A similar situation can be seen at present inChennai. The capital city and most of the other regions in the state are witnessing mainly cloudy to overcast skies.

However, widespread rainfall was witnessed in the state on Wednesday. Chennai received 55.5 mm of rainfall from 8.30 am on Wednesday to 8.30 am on Thursday.

Here’s a look at the rainfall figures in rest of Tamil Nadu during the last 24 hours:

Rain in Tamil Nadu

For now, rains have vacated the state and any other weather system is not likely to affect the region. Any localized rainfall activity cannot be ruled out but moderate rainfall is not expected for next few days.

Image Credit  - Indian Express

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