10 fun ways to drink more water when it is sweltering out

January 8, 2020 1:00 PM|

fun ways to drink more water

Nothing can beat water when it comes down to ‘beat the heat’. The sun would leave no opportunity to extract water from your body and the soaring temperatures will make you sweat, endlessly. No wonder,keeping your body hydrated at all timesbecomes crucial. However, if you are one of them who finds water too boring then we bring you fun and interesting ways to swill water, effortlessly.


Fruity Flavour

ways to drink more water

Don’t like the plain water but need to consume it anyway? Don’t fret. Simply add the chunks of watermelon or orange and give a whole new zing to the simple water.  Experiment with apple, strawberry or berries and enjoy the colourful, detoxing and tasty drink throughout the day.


Grab it, eat it

ways to drink more water

Who says that you need to drink water to keep yourself hydrated? If someone offers you to eat it, grab it. Celery, cucumber, melon, watermelon, grapes or soups. Enriched with high water content, they are perfect complements when you are finding it hard to drink water.


‘Take a break’ reminder

ways to drink more water

If you keep finding excuses to escape the exercise of drinking water then it’s time to set the alarm! Set reminders in your phone or download apps that encourage you to drink more. And if you can push the envelope a little more, ask one of your colleagues to bug you from time to time. We are sure you would do anything to stop that nagging.


Bottle it up

ways to drink more water

Make water your beloved because water loves your skin, hair and health, unconditionally. And just like you keep your loved ones near, keep water near you all the time. Keep a water bottle on your desk or carry it when you step out in the sun or talk a walk in the park.


Fun filled drinking

ways to drink more water

Pick some of the most colourful glass tumblers or fun water bottles that you can’t resist from picking up and will eventually drink a sip or two.


Drinking in Doubles

ways to drink more water

Get hold of a friend, set a goal of drinking a glass full of water in every hour or two and aim to beat your partner. Competition is definitely going to motivate you towards drinking more.


Sipping it with fun

ways to drink more water

Let it be bendy, let it be curvy, get hold of a straw to sip water to make it a fun hobby. Call it the drinking accessory or simply a tool that makes you drink more water. You can also go for a sipper.


Drink more to lose more

ways to drink more water

If you are seeking to shed some extra weight then drinking water can be the best way. Drink before meals and end up eating less food means less calories. Drink whenever you feel hungry. Replace calorie filled drinks with water and see the results.


Concoction or Combo

ways to drink more water

Go ahead, experiment with drinking water. Come up with your favourite conventional combination of lemon, ginger or mint or add flavor by adding lemon rind or orange zest. Grate cucumber along with herbs into your water in order to drink it more.


Pop a Popsicle

ways to drink more water

Layer fresh fruits along with your favourite juice, pop them in popsicle moulds and enjoy the refreshing form of water. Or blend orange /watermelon juice with water and freeze it.

Whether you are living on a dime or thriving on piles of it, water is vital for survival. So don't neglect this elixir of life.

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