Snow, winds, and floods to shake Britain

October 10, 2016 12:36 PM|

Britain Winter

A spree of Arctic air is likely to reach the United Kingdom and with this, the climate will remain quite cool for the rest of the year. Nights are likely to remain quite cold. Local frost is expected in the South, West and North regions.

Atlantic storm systems will possibly hit during the second half of October. These storms will bring unsettled conditions over many parts of the UK, producing heavy downpours at times.

There are chances of more changeable weather into late October across most parts with the North likely to witness the strongest gales, torrential downpours and an increasing threat of frosts.

With more heavy showers to lash the UK, there are chances that most regions of the country may spend much of autumn and winter under water.

The UK Met Office is regularly updating councils and transport chiefs to brace for colder-than-average temperatures in November and December, as cold easterly and northerly winds will be reaching the country.

Easterly winter winds often originate from Russia and bring Britain’s coldest winter, with travel impacts, ice and snow, if the cold winds hit moist Atlantic air.

As per records, this time Britain is expected to witness -10 °C lows as November and December have seen lows between -8 °C and -13 °C in the past four years.

As per the Met Office, during November and into December, there is an increased possibility of colder-than-average conditions to the west or north of the UK.

This type of atmospheric pattern ends in an increased frequency of winds from a northerly or easterly direction, favouring colder-than-average temperatures as the Polar Regions start to cool.

A decrease in storminess is also possible during November and December.

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